HEM 7/14/24 緊急通知 (HEM Emergency Notice)

HEM 7/14/24 緊急通知 (HEM Emergency Notice)

人能静坐法本訂于7/14 星期日下午1:30-4:00 在Hacienda Heights 開辦本年度第一堂實體上課,現在因為場地問題,7/14 第一堂課延期到7/28, 第二,三及四堂課顺延。造成各位同修的不便,敬请見諒。
Emergency Notice
The first in-person class of Human Energy Meditation at Hacienda Heights originally scheduled for Sunday, July 14th, from 1:30 PM to 4:00 PM, has been postponed to July 28th due to venue issues. Consequently, the second, third, and fourth sessions will be rescheduled accordingly. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
See you on July 28.
Human Energy Meditation
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