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第四周功课 Week #4 Home Work

第四周功课 Week #4 Home Work

第四周功课 Week #4 Home work

1.   恭喜各位師兄師姐,上周老師已經開通了六個能量點,本周功课早晚靜坐各一小時以上。先做6 , 再做7 , 再做5, 再做4 , 再做3, 再做2 号。每個能量点 3次。如此6, 7, 5, 4, 3, 2  循環靜坐, 至少一小時。循環靜坐中若有中斷必需再由6 号重新開始。

2.   自療須靜坐至少一小時以上方可。在下周上課前至少練習三次
 3.   每早自我对鏡大笑三分鐘,將自己最好的一面献予他人。

4.   下週老师会教各位如何為他人传能量,各位上课前必须靜坐至少一小時以上並且须带矮椅子来以便使用.


  1.  如果靜坐1小時後,継續做自我治療,不需要收功,不要張開眼睛,心中默「祈求祖師爺加加智慧,我○○○要幫自己傳能自我治療」,然後開始做自我治療。自我治療5-20分鐘後,結束自我治療。睜開眼睛,雙手合十感恩,「感謝祖師爺」即可。
  2. 如果靜坐結束,再來做自我治療,坐定位後,睜開眼睛,雙手合十請祖師,「祈求祖師爺慈悲加加智慧,我○○○要幫自己傳能自我治療」,然後閉上眼睛即可開始自我治療。 結束自我治療,睜開眼睛,雙手合十感恩,「感謝祖師爺」即可。每次自我治療5-20分钟。 可以多次自我治療。
  3. 緊急自我治療例如撞傷或跌倒等意外:在緊急情況下不必再做任何事即可進行自我治療,因在緊急狀況下能馬上想到做自我治療以非簡單之事,一切從簡事後再跟祖師爺稟報,相信他老人家會諒解的


  • 自我治療前當天要完成靜坐一小時或以上。
  • 自我治療有四種方式:

a) 意念式7號進,由腳大拇指出

b) 觸模式7號進,單手或雙手手掌中出,再由腳大拇指出

c) 能量由7號進,再由雙手手指出

d) 能量由7號進,由雙耳出。

  • 膝痛,一手放在膝蓋上,一手做靜坐姿勢,閉上眼睛,舌頂上顎, 7 號能點進入,經治的手膝蓋痛處腳尖排出。
  • 如果是由肩膀到手部的適,手掌朝上置於大腿上,意 7 號能點進入,經由手到達痛處再從指尖排出
  • 手無法到達處,手掌朝上置於大腿上,用意導引能 7 號能點進入痛處腳尖排出。
  • 若是耳鳴或內耳痛,用意 7 號能點進入,用意念引導能量由雙耳出
  • 結束自我治療,睜開眼睛,吸氣,雙手合十感恩,「感謝祖師爺」即可。每次自我治療5-20分钟。


HEM brothers and sisters,
Week #4 home works:
1.     Congratulate HEM Brothers and sisters. Master Shu and/or Master Su had opened all six energy points for you, So, from now on, you have to take practice every morning and evening for minimum 1 hour. Starting meditation from #6, then #7, #5, #4, #3 and #2.  And each energy point breaths 3 times. If there is any break point during meditation cycle, then you have to start from #6 again.
2.     For self-treatment, you have to meditating minimum 1 hours first before perform self-treatment. You have practice minimum 3 times before next class.
3.     Face the mirror and laugh loud every morning for 3 minutes.  Present your best smile to your family and friends.
4.     Next week, Master Shu will show you how to pass the energy to others.  You have to meditate minimum 1 hours before attending class. Please bring the lower chair to class if you have one.
第三周功课 Week #3 Home work

第三周功课 Week #3 Home work

第三周功课 Week #3 Home work

 1.   本週增開通能量点3号和2, 靜坐時間早晚各一小時以上。先做6 , 再做7 , 再做5, 再做4 , 再做3, 再做2 号。每個能量点 35次。如此6, 7, 5, 4, 3, 2  循環靜坐, 至少一小時。循環靜坐中若有中斷必需再由6 号重新開始。

2.   每早自我对鏡大笑三分鐘,將自己最好的一面献予他人。  

 HEM brothers and sisters,

 Week #3 home works:
1.   This week, Master Shu and/or Master Su opened the #3 & #2 energy point for you, So, you have to take practice every morning and evening. Starting meditation from #6, then #7, #5, #4, #3 and #2.  And each energy point breaths 3-5 times, for minimum 1 hour. If there is any break point during meditation cycle, then you have to start from #6 again.
2.   Face the mirror and laugh loud every morning for 3 minutes.  Present your best smile to your family and friends.
       HEM Support Team
第二周功课 Week #2 Home work

第二周功课 Week #2 Home work

第二周功课 Week #2 Home Work :


1.   本週功课基本與上週相同但能量点增加了 5 号和 4 号,靜坐時間至少 45 分鐘, 早晚各一次,先做6 , 再做7 , 再做5, 再做4 , 每個能量点 35. 如此6, 7 , 5, 4 , 循環靜坐, 至少45 分鐘. 循環靜坐中若有中斷必需再由6 号重新開始.
2.   每早自我对鏡大笑1.5分鐘,將自己最好的一面献予他人
HEM brothers and sisters,
Week #2 home works:
1.   Today, Master Shu and/or  Master Su opened the #5 & #4 energy point for you, So, you have to take practice every morning and evening. Starting from #6, then #7, #5 and #4, and each energy point breaths 3-5 times, for minimum 45 minutes. If there is any break point during meditation cycle, then you have to start from #6 again.
2.   Face the mirror and laugh loud every morning for 1.5 minutes.  Present your best smile to your family and friends.
HEM Support Team
第一周功课 Week #1 Home work

第一周功课 Week #1 Home work

Human Energy Meditation人能靜坐法

欢迎参加人能静坐法. 本週功课 :
  1. 本人大頭照三張,在第七週後也要再照三張作為比較。所以都要在同時間,同地点及相似的光源下。大頭照非常重要一定要遵照指示照像
  2. 本週能量点開通了 6 号和 7 号,靜坐時間至少 30 分鐘早晚各一次. 先做6 , 35,再做7 , 35再回到635, 再做7 , 35. 如此6, 7 号循環靜坐, 至少30 分鐘.
  3. 靜坐時不要放音樂


採坐姿, 勿盤腿, 座椅不要太高, 最好是大腿與小腿成90度角, 能面向東方, 赤腳著地最好,身上不要有任何電子產品、手錶、眼鏡或水晶。 周遭也不要有電視電腦等。


  1. 腰部以下要挺直, 肩頸放輕鬆。
  2. 眼睛張開, 雙手相握合十感恩:「感謝天,感謝地,感謝父母,感謝祖師爺,感謝周遭所有朋友,讓我有健康的身體靜坐,請祖師爺加靈加智慧」;
  3. 掌心向上,自然放在膝蓋上深呼吸3 (鼻子吸,嘴巴吐)
  4. 閉上眼睛,舌頂上顎,開始靜坐。
  5. 開始用意念導引, 經由呼吸(鼻吸鼻呼) 6-7 順序汲取能量, 每一量點次數隨個人自行調整(3-5次), 不斷反覆。吸氣時觀想能量導入, 慢慢呼氣時將能量沖洗全身, 再由腳趾端導出
  1. 睜開雙眼, 深呼吸三次(鼻吸口吐), 再抱拳感恩 : 感謝祖師爺」即可收功
  2. 每次打坐完, 一定要記得收功, 否則前功盡棄, 如有中斷或眼睛睜開時, 也一定要收功才離座(如接電話)

Week #1 home work

  1. Take 3 pictures, head only.  These pictures will be compared after week #7. So, you must make sure the pictures are taken by same location, same time and similar light source.
  2. Today, Master Hsu opened the #6 and #7 energy point for you, So, you have to take practice every morning and evening (preferred bedtime) 30 minutes each. Starting from #6 breath about 3-5 times, then #7 breath 3-5 times, then go back #6 again continuously for minimum 30 minutes.
  3. 3.Do not listen to music during meditation.

Steps to meditation: 

Sitting Posture:

  • Sit comfortable in a chair that allows your thigh and calve to form 90 degree angle.
  • Sit at the edge of the chair, about 1/4th of the seat. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart, and plant both feet firmly on the ground.
  • Keep your lower back straight and your body relaxed.

Gratitude Prayer:

  • Open your eyes and clasp both hands in front of your chest.
  • Pray the following gratitude statements: “Thanks to Heaven, thanks to Earth, thanks to my parents, thanks to the Grand Master of Human Energy Meditation, thanks to those friends surround me and thanks my good health to allowing me to practice meditation”.

Pre-meditation Breathing:

  • Place hands comfortably on the thighs with palms up, keeping your fingers relaxed.
  • Calm your mind by taking 3 deep breaths. Inhale through the nose and exhale through mouth.
  • Close your eyes and place the tip of tongue to the roof of your mouth, behind your front teeth.

Start Meditations:

Keep your mind clear, keep your eyes closed, and focus on positive thoughts throughout these steps.

A full meditation rotation always begins at Energy Point #6 followed by #7, #5, #4, #3, and ending at #2. At each Energy Point location, breath in and out by nose three times and keep mouth close (the count is up to you, but make sure that the count is the same for all Energy Point locations).

If you lose your count, then start from Energy Point #6 again.

Breathe only through your nose, focusing on drawing the energy into your body at a specific Energy Point location. Gently guide the energy from the Energy Point location, directly toward your toes. Avoid directing the energy out from the heels as it may cause painful swelling.

Ending Ritual:

Open your eyes, take 3 deep breaths in through your nose and out from your mouth.

Clasp your hands and express your gratitude : “Thanks to the Grand Master of Human Energy Meditation”

Always remember to perform the ending ritual at the conclusion of your meditation.

HEM Support Team