人能静坐法3/9/25星期日上課通知 (HEM 3/9/25 In-Person Classes)
人能静坐法最新上課通知:3/9/25 星期日 人能靜坐法將在哈崗開啓實體上課
各位師兄師姐: 人能靜坐法將於 3/9, 3/23, 4/6, 4/20 開啟人能靜坐法的實體上課, 課程共四堂課,每二個星期日下午1:30-4:00(美國太平洋時間)。我們深知在過去的一段時間裡,因為疫情的影響,我們不得不轉向線上教學,但我們也意識到面對面交流和互動對於人能靜坐法的學習非常重要。歡迎眾師兄師姐報名重新複習或介绍親朋好友到人能靜坐法網站報名,我們非常期待您的參與,並為您提供一個改善健康,愉快的學習體驗。
▪️日期:3/9/25 起(星期日)
▪️時間:下午1:30 – 下午 4:00
▪️地點:The Little Dance World
16024 Gale Ave., Hacienda Heights, CA 91745
- 請自備靜坐所需之椅凳,本中心只備有限之椅凳供新同修使用。
- 靜坐場地為舞蹈教室,為保持清潔及健康請自帶拖鞋或穿襪子。
❤️ HEM In-Person Classes
3/9/25 Human Energy Meditation will resume in-person classes at Hacienda Heights.
Dear fellow practitioners: Human Energy Meditation (HEM) will conduct four in-person classes on 3/9, 3/23, 4/6, 4/20 every other Sunday from 1:30 PM to 4:00 PM (Pacific Standard Time). We understand the necessity of online teaching due to the pandemic, but we also recognize the importance of face-to-face interaction for learning Human Energy Meditation. We welcome all practitioners to join for review or introduce friends and family to register on the Human Energy Meditation website. We look forward to your participation and providing you with an improved, enjoyable learning experience for better health.
Human Energy Meditation Registration Link:
🔹 Online Registration Form
▪️ Dates: Starting from 3/9/25 (Sundays)
▪️ Time: 1:30 PM – 4:00 PM
▪️ Location: The Little Dance World
16024 Gale Ave., Hacienda Heights, CA 91745
*️⃣ During Classes:
- Please bring your own chairs for meditation as the center only provides limited chairs for new practitioners.
- Meditation space is in a dance studio, so for cleanliness and health reasons, please bring slippers or wear socks.