第四周功课 Week #4 Home Work

第四周功课 Week #4 Home Work

第四周功课 Week #4 Home work

1.   恭喜各位師兄師姐,上周老師已經開通了六個能量點,本周功课早晚靜坐各一小時以上。先做6 , 再做7 , 再做5, 再做4 , 再做3, 再做2 号。每個能量点 3次。如此6, 7, 5, 4, 3, 2  循環靜坐, 至少一小時。循環靜坐中若有中斷必需再由6 号重新開始。

2.   自療須靜坐至少一小時以上方可。在下周上課前至少練習三次
 3.   每早自我对鏡大笑三分鐘,將自己最好的一面献予他人。

4.   下週老师会教各位如何為他人传能量,各位上课前必须靜坐至少一小時以上並且须带矮椅子来以便使用.


  1.  如果靜坐1小時後,継續做自我治療,不需要收功,不要張開眼睛,心中默「祈求祖師爺加加智慧,我○○○要幫自己傳能自我治療」,然後開始做自我治療。自我治療5-20分鐘後,結束自我治療。睜開眼睛,雙手合十感恩,「感謝祖師爺」即可。
  2. 如果靜坐結束,再來做自我治療,坐定位後,睜開眼睛,雙手合十請祖師,「祈求祖師爺慈悲加加智慧,我○○○要幫自己傳能自我治療」,然後閉上眼睛即可開始自我治療。 結束自我治療,睜開眼睛,雙手合十感恩,「感謝祖師爺」即可。每次自我治療5-20分钟。 可以多次自我治療。
  3. 緊急自我治療例如撞傷或跌倒等意外:在緊急情況下不必再做任何事即可進行自我治療,因在緊急狀況下能馬上想到做自我治療以非簡單之事,一切從簡事後再跟祖師爺稟報,相信他老人家會諒解的


  • 自我治療前當天要完成靜坐一小時或以上。
  • 自我治療有四種方式:

a) 意念式7號進,由腳大拇指出

b) 觸模式7號進,單手或雙手手掌中出,再由腳大拇指出

c) 能量由7號進,再由雙手手指出

d) 能量由7號進,由雙耳出。

  • 膝痛,一手放在膝蓋上,一手做靜坐姿勢,閉上眼睛,舌頂上顎, 7 號能點進入,經治的手膝蓋痛處腳尖排出。
  • 如果是由肩膀到手部的適,手掌朝上置於大腿上,意 7 號能點進入,經由手到達痛處再從指尖排出
  • 手無法到達處,手掌朝上置於大腿上,用意導引能 7 號能點進入痛處腳尖排出。
  • 若是耳鳴或內耳痛,用意 7 號能點進入,用意念引導能量由雙耳出
  • 結束自我治療,睜開眼睛,吸氣,雙手合十感恩,「感謝祖師爺」即可。每次自我治療5-20分钟。


HEM brothers and sisters,
Week #4 home works:
1.     Congratulate HEM Brothers and sisters. Master Shu and/or Master Su had opened all six energy points for you, So, from now on, you have to take practice every morning and evening for minimum 1 hour. Starting meditation from #6, then #7, #5, #4, #3 and #2.  And each energy point breaths 3 times. If there is any break point during meditation cycle, then you have to start from #6 again.
2.     For self-treatment, you have to meditating minimum 1 hours first before perform self-treatment. You have practice minimum 3 times before next class.
3.     Face the mirror and laugh loud every morning for 3 minutes.  Present your best smile to your family and friends.
4.     Next week, Master Shu will show you how to pass the energy to others.  You have to meditate minimum 1 hours before attending class. Please bring the lower chair to class if you have one.
第三周功课 Week #3 Home work

第三周功课 Week #3 Home work

第三周功课 Week #3 Home work

 1.   本週增開通能量点3号和2, 靜坐時間早晚各一小時以上。先做6 , 再做7 , 再做5, 再做4 , 再做3, 再做2 号。每個能量点 35次。如此6, 7, 5, 4, 3, 2  循環靜坐, 至少一小時。循環靜坐中若有中斷必需再由6 号重新開始。

2.   每早自我对鏡大笑三分鐘,將自己最好的一面献予他人。  

 HEM brothers and sisters,

 Week #3 home works:
1.   This week, Master Shu and/or Master Su opened the #3 & #2 energy point for you, So, you have to take practice every morning and evening. Starting meditation from #6, then #7, #5, #4, #3 and #2.  And each energy point breaths 3-5 times, for minimum 1 hour. If there is any break point during meditation cycle, then you have to start from #6 again.
2.   Face the mirror and laugh loud every morning for 3 minutes.  Present your best smile to your family and friends.
       HEM Support Team
第二周功课 Week #2 Home work

第二周功课 Week #2 Home work

第二周功课 Week #2 Home Work :


1.   本週功课基本與上週相同但能量点增加了 5 号和 4 号,靜坐時間至少 45 分鐘, 早晚各一次,先做6 , 再做7 , 再做5, 再做4 , 每個能量点 35. 如此6, 7 , 5, 4 , 循環靜坐, 至少45 分鐘. 循環靜坐中若有中斷必需再由6 号重新開始.
2.   每早自我对鏡大笑1.5分鐘,將自己最好的一面献予他人
HEM brothers and sisters,
Week #2 home works:
1.   Today, Master Shu and/or  Master Su opened the #5 & #4 energy point for you, So, you have to take practice every morning and evening. Starting from #6, then #7, #5 and #4, and each energy point breaths 3-5 times, for minimum 45 minutes. If there is any break point during meditation cycle, then you have to start from #6 again.
2.   Face the mirror and laugh loud every morning for 1.5 minutes.  Present your best smile to your family and friends.
HEM Support Team