


我在十多年前就有甲狀腺機能亢進的症狀。荷爾蒙分泌過多為亢進,新陳代謝加快,易餓、吃多不胖反瘦,心跳加快。原因多為生活環境劇烈變化如失業失戀離婚等。服藥可使荷爾蒙分泌恢復正常但無法根治,會再復發。 十年前到美國就復發,2016年又再度復發,醫生警告說接下來年紀大了,承受不了心跳加快的負担,危險。要我開刀切除。我不願。Irvine中心長 引介我加入人能静坐,姑且一試。 之後血液檢查一切正常,觉得健康多,不像以前那麼容易感冒,感謝人能靜坐。
I got Hyperthyroidism more than 10 years ago, excessive hormone secretion speed up metabolism, hungry all the time, eat a lot, but still lose wright, rapid heartbeat. The root causes may come from major life or environment changes such as, lay-off, break up with lover, devoice, etc. Medication can control it, but can’t cure it, it may relapse. It did come back 10 years ago, then again in 2016. Doctor warned me with my age, the heart may not be able to sustain the next relapse, the rapid heartbeat is pretty risky, and suggested to have the surgery to remove the thyroid. I refused. Irvine HEM leader introduced me to join the Human Energy Meditation class, my thinking was why not give it a try. After doing meditation, the blood tests became normal, I feel healthier, less prone to catching cold frequently as before. Thanks to Human Energy Meditation.
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