Simon Beck, a thyroid cancer survivor who works at post office and father of two kids and also friend of Inkyo and Yvonne. Last year in May, I went to a doctor’s office for flu but my doctor noticed my neck was swollen up so he suggested to get tested. It was stage 4 thyroid cancer. On my son’s birthday in august, I had surgery that took out both thyroid and lymph nodes. Month later, I did go through radioactive iodine therapy and the road to recovery has been started.
I have read a lot of books about how to beat the cancer and started to eat very healthy and also did yoga and my own meditation. I couldn’t go to work for about 4 months. When I came back to work, Inkyo was curious why I haven’t show up such a long time. I told him what happened to me and we been talking about meditation. That day he invited me to join Human Energy Meditation and I am here today.
Now let me talk about Master Shu. I really appreciate what he is doing for HEM community. He teaches us how to meditate and to become good human being. I remember the lecture, when you thank for water before you drink water molecule change its shape. That lecture moved me very much and I practice to thank for everything especially for relationship.
I test for cancer marker for every three months and the cancer marker is getting lower every month so far. When I get healthy I’d like to volunteer and give energy to other members and spread this Gospel.
1. 恭喜各位師兄師姐,上周老師已經開通了六個能量點,本周功课早晚靜坐各一小時以上。先做6 号, 再做7 号, 再做5号, 再做4 号, 再做3号, 再做2 号。每個能量点 3次。如此6, 7, 5, 4, 3, 2 循環靜坐, 至少一小時。循環靜坐中若有中斷必需再由6 号重新開始。
4. 下週老师会教各位如何為他人传能量,各位上课前必须靜坐至少一小時以上並且须带矮椅子来以便使用.
a) 意念式–由7號進,由腳大拇指出
b) 觸模式–由7號進,單手或雙手手掌中出,再由腳大拇指出
c) 能量由7號進,再由雙手手指出
d) 能量由7號進,由雙耳出。
1. 本週增開通能量点3号和2号, 靜坐時間早晚各一小時以上。先做6 号, 再做7 号, 再做5号, 再做4 号, 再做3号, 再做2 号。每個能量点 3到5次。如此6, 7, 5, 4, 3, 2 循環靜坐, 至少一小時。循環靜坐中若有中斷必需再由6 号重新開始。
HEM brothers and sisters,