第二周功课 Week #2 Home work
第二周功课 Week #2 Home Work :
第二周功课 Week #2 Home Work :
我是2016年11月開始學靜坐的,之後在一次健康檢查中 發現肝指數異常的高,進而檢到肝腫瘤。2017 年一月被診斷為乳癌四期並転移到肝跟骨。
除了接受西醫傳統化療外,並把每天早晚靜坐一小時提高到二個小時,化療期間的副作用 能夠降到最低 ,靜坐是很重要的因素。肝臟腫瘤由原本的15×11 公分,在2017年11月 已經控制到了3×2 公分,骨癌也得到控制,癌症指數CA-15也由710降為9,現在還継續做標把治療。
學習靜坐后的變化:剛剛得知患了乳癌心裏充滿了無限恐懼,靜坐能讓身心充滿正能量,釋放心里的緊張 並保持心態平靜不會胡思亂想 以積極正面的態度面対生活的巨大變化。雖在困境仍抱有希望。
化療造成的雙腳的大拇指變黑也慢慢消失 改善手腳冰冷麻木的現象。 化療最常見的副作用吃不下 嘔吐 都沒有發生。 最重要的是生活品質上 沒有因為病而受到太大的影響。
Human Energy Meditation人能靜坐法
Sitting Posture:
Gratitude Prayer:
Pre-meditation Breathing:
Keep your mind clear, keep your eyes closed, and focus on positive thoughts throughout these steps.
A full meditation rotation always begins at Energy Point #6 followed by #7, #5, #4, #3, and ending at #2. At each Energy Point location, breath in and out by nose three times and keep mouth close (the count is up to you, but make sure that the count is the same for all Energy Point locations).
If you lose your count, then start from Energy Point #6 again.
Breathe only through your nose, focusing on drawing the energy into your body at a specific Energy Point location. Gently guide the energy from the Energy Point location, directly toward your toes. Avoid directing the energy out from the heels as it may cause painful swelling.
Open your eyes, take 3 deep breaths in through your nose and out from your mouth.
Clasp your hands and express your gratitude : “Thanks to the Grand Master of Human Energy Meditation”
Always remember to perform the ending ritual at the conclusion of your meditation.