2018-12 人能靜坐班班長與徐老師蘇老師聚餐及会議
2018-12 人能靜坐班班長與徐老師蘇老師聚餐及会議照片簿
(2018-12 Volunteers luncheon with Master Hsu and Master Su)
Testimony by Simon Beck
Simon Beck, a thyroid cancer survivor who works at post office and father of two kids and also friend of Inkyo and Yvonne. Last year in May, I went to a doctor’s office for flu but my doctor noticed my neck was swollen up so he suggested to get tested. It was stage 4 thyroid cancer. On my son’s birthday in august, I had surgery that took out both thyroid and lymph nodes. Month later, I did go through radioactive iodine therapy and the road to recovery has been started.
I have read a lot of books about how to beat the cancer and started to eat very healthy and also did yoga and my own meditation. I couldn’t go to work for about 4 months. When I came back to work, Inkyo was curious why I haven’t show up such a long time. I told him what happened to me and we been talking about meditation. That day he invited me to join Human Energy Meditation and I am here today.
Now let me talk about Master Shu. I really appreciate what he is doing for HEM community. He teaches us how to meditate and to become good human being. I remember the lecture, when you thank for water before you drink water molecule change its shape. That lecture moved me very much and I practice to thank for everything especially for relationship.
I test for cancer marker for every three months and the cancer marker is getting lower every month so far. When I get healthy I’d like to volunteer and give energy to other members and spread this Gospel.