爾灣 招班長分享 11/30/2020 英翻譯中版本
爾灣 招班長分享 11/30/2020 英翻譯中版本
我從1972年就開始學習靜坐/氣功,其中經歷了至少 12 個不同的大師。有些是非常有名的大師有很多成就。有些大師只會在一對一的基礎上教氣功。有些教的小組不超過10或20名學生。一般來說,靜坐課程是連續5天, 或每週一天,為期5至12周。一些大師會頒發證書獎,以完成他的靜坐課程。然而,大多數大師的靜坐課程都會收費, 從100美元到800美元不等。
對於我自己,我的客戶一直說,我一年比一年越來越年輕。雖然我曾經做了兩次心臟手術, 我現今81歲仍然每周工作7天,或每周工作近100小時。你們應密切遵循徐老師的指示,每天至少靜坐一個小時,這是一個很好的習慣。不要放棄,如果你感到有點失望或是你覺得做得不如其他同學,也不要放棄,總有一天你會得到你的期望。
我可以說徐老師的靜坐課非常安全,因為他打開你的能量點,從能量點6到能量點7,下到能量點5,能量點4,能量點3和能量點2。你的正能量從頂部進入,並傳到你的身體的各個部分,並從你的腳大姆指頭出去。這樣,你的負能量(在正能量清理你的體內身體部位後)會移動,而不是被停止或徘徊在身體的某些部位,以後引起問題。因為你所有的能量都在往下移動,你不會進入走火入魔的情況,突然無法控制強大的能量沖擊,從底部(Chakra 1)沖擊到你的大腦,並損害你的大腦。
此外,徐老師的靜坐課程都在固定地點進行,不像別課程在不同的地方上課。你可以每周回來在同一時間,在同一天,同一個教室練習。人能靜坐法課程也是免費的。沒錯!從徐老師那裡學習靜坐或回來練習靜坐是不收費的。徐老師確實自掏腰包支付使用教室和其他相關費用和費用的租金 (註: 開始授課後前五年由徐老師個人支出後來數年由師兄師姐熱心捐款赞助)。不僅如此,徐老師還很愛護他的學生,他總是對我們學生很有禮貌和謙遜, 他還給學生帶了禮物。在我的一生中, 從來沒有見過老師會向他的學生鞠躬。你可以在他的課上經常看到他的鞠躬。多麼偉大的一位老師啊!
Irvine DW Chao-CPA Shared Meditation
I started the energy type of meditation or Chi Gong since 1972. Went through at least 12 different masters. Some are very famous masters with a lot of accomplishments. Some masters would teach Chi Gong on one to one basis only. Some teach in group with no more than ten or 20 students. Generally, a meditation course starts from 5 consecutive days in a roll, or one day a week for 5 to 12 weeks. Some masters would issue a certificate award for completing of his meditation course. However, most masters do charge a fee for their meditation courses, from $100 to $800 dollars.
Master Hsu’s Mediation Class is very safe and beneficial. To start, he opened up most of our Chakras to receive the universal energies that are surrounding us. With these universal energies, they will benefit our internal organs in our body and give us more energies. These energies will also heal our ailing body parts too. In the past three years, I have seen a lot of classmates got healed in Master Hus’ Mediation Classes.
For myself, my clients keep saying that I am getting younger and younger by the year. At 81, I still work 7 days a week or close to 100 hours a week schedule. You know, I have two heart-by-pass surgeries before too. It is a good idea to follow Master Hsu’s instructions closely and keep practicing Meditation every day, for at least an hour a day. Do not give up, if you felt a little disappointed that you are not doing as well as other classmates. Your day will come.
The reason that I say Master Hsu’s Meditation class is very safe, because he starts your energy point, from Chakra 6 to Chakra 7 and down to Chakra 5, Chakra 4, Chakra 3 and Chakra 2. Your clean energies are getting from the top and distribute them down to various part of your body and exit out on your toes. This way your dirty energies (after the clean energies cleaned up your internal body parts) would flow downward and not to be stopped or lingered on certain part of your body and cause problem later. Because all your energies are going downward, you would not be getting into the Kundalini Syndrome situation which a sudden uncontrollable powerful shot of energy, shooting up from the bottom (Chakra 1) up to your brain and damage your brain.
Besides, Master Hsu’s Meditation Classes are conducted in permanent locations; not like others, the classes are floating around different places. You can come back every week to practice in the same classroom, at the same time and day. It is free for everyone too. That is right! There are No Charges for learning the Meditation from Master Hsu now or coming back to practice your Meditation. Master Hsu does pay rents for using the classrooms and other associated fees and expenses from his own pocket. Not only that, Master Hsu loves his students; he is always very polite and humble to us students. He brings gifts to his students also. I have never seen, in my life time, a teacher would bow to his students. You can see his bowing often in his classes. What a great teacher!